This section describes TOSCA integration to Krake.


TOSCA is an OASIS standard language to describe a topology of cloud-based web services, their components, relationships, and the processes that manage them.

TOSCA uses the concept of service templates to describe services. TOSCA further provides a system of types to describe the possible building blocks for constructing service templates and relationship types to describe possible kinds of relations. It is possible to create custom TOSCA types for building custom TOSCA templates.

Krake allows end-users to orchestrate Kubernetes applications with TOSCA. It is required to use custom TOSCA templates for them. Krake supports Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) files as well. CSAR is a container file using the ZIP file format, that includes all artifacts required to manage the lifecycle of the corresponding cloud application using the TOSCA language.


The TOSCA technical committee has decided that any profile (template base) development should be left to the community. It means, that there are not any “de facto standard” on how to describe e.g. Kubernetes applications with TOSCA. Each orchestrator that supports TOSCA is its own product with its own design paradigms and may have different assumptions and requirements for modeling applications.

TOSCA Template

Krake is able to manage Kubernetes applications that are described by the TOSCA YAML custom template file. Kubernetes application should be described by TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML v1.0 or v1.2 as Krake only supports those versions.

Krake supports Cloud Service Archives (CSAR) as well. The CSAR should contain TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML v1.0 or v1.2 and should be in defined format.


Krake uses the tosca-parser library as its underlying TOSCA parser and validator. Currently, tosca-parser supports the TOSCA-Simple-Profile-YAML v1.0 or v1.2, which reflects what is supported by Krake.


The Krake API could process TOSCA templates in two formats. It can receive the TOSCA template as serialized JSON or the API could receive a URL that points to some remote location, that provides a TOSCA template. In the case of providing a URL, the underlying tosca-parser library is able to (synchronously) download the TOSCA template from the defined URL and then parse and validate it.

Another prerequisite (besides the TOSCA version) is a TOSCA profile (custom type). Krake supports and can manage only Kubernetes application that is described by the tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesObject custom type.

The tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesObject custom type has been defined by the Grycap research group. It could be imported as an external document using the imports directive in the template or it can be directly declared as a custom data type within the data_types template section.

For import use the following reference to Grycap’s custom types:

- ec3_custom_types:

For direct definition use the following (minimal) data type:

    derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root
        type: string
        description: The YAML description of the K8s object
        required: true

The spec of tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesObject custom type should contain Kubernetes manifest as a string. It is possible to applied subset of supported TOSCA functions like:

  • get_property
  • get_input

The spec of the tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesObject custom type should contain a Kubernetes manifest as a string. It is possible to apply a subset of supported TOSCA functions like:

  • get_property
  • get_input
  • concat

Then, the example of TOSCA template for a single Kubernetes Pod could be designed as follows:

tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0

  - ec3_custom_types:

description: TOSCA template for launching an example Pod by Krake

      type: integer
      description: Container port
      default: 80
      type: tosca.nodes.indigo.KubernetesObject
            - |-
              apiVersion: v1
              kind: Pod
                name: nginx
                - name: nginx
                  image: nginx:1.14.2
                  - containerPort:
            - get_input: container_port

Let’s save the definition above to the tosca-example.yaml file.

If you want to expose a created TOSCA template in your localhost, you can use a simple python HTTP server as follows:

# TOSCA template will then be exposed on URL: ``
python3 -m http.server 8000

Cloud Service Archive

CSAR should be in a defined format. The specification allows to create CSAR with or without the TOSCA.meta file. The TOSCA.meta file structure follows the exact same syntax as defined in the TOSCA 1.0 specification. It is required to store this file in the TOSCA-Metadata directory. It is also required to include the Entry-Definitions keyword pointing to a valid TOSCA definitions YAML file, which should be used by a TOSCA orchestrator as an entrypoint for parsing the contents of the overall CSAR file (the previously created tosca-example.yaml file will be used in this example).


The Krake API can process CSAR files only, if they’re defined as **URL**s. It means, that CSAR should be created and then exposed in some remote location. Then, the underlying tosca-parser library is able to (synchronously) download the CSAR archive from the defined URL and afterwards parse and validate it.

# Create TOSCA-Metadata directory
mkdir TOSCA-Metadata
# Create and fill TOSCA.meta file
echo "TOSCA-Meta-File-Version: 1.0" >> TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta
echo "CSAR-Version: 1.1" >> TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta
echo "Created-By: Krake" >> TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta
echo "Entry-Definitions: tosca-example.yaml" >> TOSCA-Metadata/TOSCA.meta
# Create CSAR
zip example.csar -r TOSCA-Metadata/ tosca-example.yaml

# Expose the created CSAR by simple HTTP python server
# CSAR will be then exposed on URL: ``
# Expose the created CSAR file with a simple HTTP python server
# CSAR will then be exposed on URL: ``
python3 -m http.server 8000


The TOSCA template or CSAR archive should be composed on the client side. Then the client sends the request for the creation or update of an application together with the TOSCA template (YAML file or URL) or CSAR URL. The Krake API validates the TOSCA template or CSAR file suffixes depending on the used URL. When the TOSCA template is defined with a YAML file, parsing and validation are performed by Krake API (using the tosca-parser). After validation, the life cycle of the application is the same as a regular one (defined by Kubernetes manifest) except for the translation of the TOSCA template or CSAR archive into a Kubernetes manifest inside of the Kubernetes Application Controller. The controller is responsible for the translation of TOSCA/CSAR to Kubernetes manifests. During this process, the application will in the TRANSLATING state.

The workflow of this process can be seen in the following figure:


TOSCA/CSAR workflow in Krake



The Krake repository contains a bunch of useful examples. Clone it first with the following commands:

git clone
cd krake

TOSCA template examples are located in the rak/functionals directory. View these TOSCA templates for example:

$ cat rak/functionals/echo-demo-tosca.yaml
$ cat rak/functionals/echo-demo-update-tosca.yaml

If you want to expose a created TOSCA template via some URL, you can use a simple python HTTP server as follows:

cd rak/functionals/
# Expose the TOSCA template examples with a simple HTTP python server
# TOSCA template examples will then be exposed on URLs:
# - ``
# - ``
python3 -m http.server 8000

If you are interested in CSAR, use the pre-defined TOSCA.meta file and create and expose CSAR archive as follows:

cd rak/functionals/
zip echo-demo.csar -r TOSCA-Metadata/ echo-demo-tosca.yaml
# Expose the created CSAR by simple HTTP python server
# CSAR will be then exposed on URL: ``
python3 -m http.server 8000


A TOSCA template YAML file should be applied the same way as a Kubernetes manifest file using the rok CLI, see Rok documentation.

  • Create an application described by a TOSCA template YAML file:
rok kube app create --file rak/functionals/echo-demo-tosca.yaml echo-demo
  • Update an application described by a TOSCA template:
rok kube app update --file rak/functionals/echo-demo-update-tosca.yaml echo-demo

A TOSCA template URL or CSAR archive URL should be defined after the optional –url argument using the rok CLI, see Rok documentation.

  • Create an application described by a TOSCA template URL:
rok kube app create --url echo-demo
  • Update an application described by a TOSCA template URL:
rok kube app update --url echo-demo
  • Alternatively, create an application described by a CSAR URL:
rok kube app create --url echo-demo


Krake allows the creation of an application using e.g. a plain Kubernetes manifest and then updating it with a TOSCA or even CSAR file. The same works vice-versa. It means, that the application could be created and then updated by any supported format (Kubernetes manifest, TOSCA, CSAR).