
Krake is heavily inspired by the concepts of Kubernetes. If you are familiar with the internal mechanisms of Kubernetes you should find many similarities within Krake.


The central service of Krake is a RESTful HTTP API. The API is structured in groups of APIs covering different technologies, e.g. core for the core functionalities or kubernetes for Kubernetes-specific features. Each API comprises multiple kinds of resources, e.g. the kubernetes API contains Application or Cluster resources. The resources are used to describe the desired state. The user can update the desired state by updating the resource via simple PUT requests to the API.

In concept, every resource is handled by a Controller. The responsibility of a controller is to bring the described desired state of a resource in sync with the real world state. Some of the resources act as mere data bags, e.g. kubernetes/Cluster resources simply describe how to connect to an existing Kubernetes cluster. These resources do not have a corresponding controller because no logic is needed for syncing desired and real world state.

API Conventions

Krake uses abstractions for real world resources managed by Krake, e.g. Kubernetes clusters spawned on top of an OpenStack deployment. These abstractions are represented as API resources encoded as nested JSON objects.


Every resource MUST have the following metadata in a nested field called metadata with the following structure:

A namespace is used to isolate access resources. Normally, a user does only get access to a specific namespace. See Authentication and Authorization for more details. This field is immutable which means a resource cannot be migrated to another namespace.
A string uniquely identifying a resource in its namespace. This name is used in URLs when operating on an individual resource. This field is immutable.
A unique string in time and space used to distinguish between objects of the same name that have been deleted and recreated. This field is immutable.

A list of strings that can be added by controllers to block the deletion of the resource in order to do some clean up work (finalizing). A resource MUST not be deleted if there is at least one finalizer.

Controllers SHOULD process only finalizers that were added by them and that are at the tail of the list. This ensures a strict finalizing order.

The timestamp when the resource was created. This field is immutable.
The timestamp when the spec or metadata field of the resource was changed.
The timestamp when the resource was deleted. If this field is set, the resource is in the in deletion state. This transition is irreversible. In this state, no changes to the resource are allowed except removing items from finalizers and updating the status. If finalizers is empty and the resource is in deletion it will be removed from the database. See Garbage Collection for more details.

Spec and Status

By convention, the Krake API distinguishes between desired state of a resource – a nested field called spec – and its real world state – a nested field called status.

Every resource representing a real world object managed by Krake SHOULD have a field called spec. If the state of the represented object cannot change, the resource MAY have a spec field only which MAY be renamed to a more appropriate name.


Internally, the Krake API uses etcd – a distributed and reliable key-value store – as persistence layer. But this is considered an implementation detail and no etcd-specific mechanisms are exposed via the REST API. This means that the underlying database could be potentially replaced in the future if the requirements of the project change. The “killer” feature of etcd is the watching of keys and prefixes for changes.


The distributed nature of etcd and its built-in support for observing changes for specific keys were the main motivation why Krake switched from a SQL-based persistence layer to etcd.

Control Plane

The API does not implement control logic. The task of reconciling between desired state and real world state is done by so-called controllers. Controllers are independent services watching API resources and reacting on changes. The set of all controllers forms the Control Plane of Krake.

Controllers communicate with the API server: the desired state is fetched from the API and status updates are pushed to the API. In theory, controllers can be programmed with any technology (programming language) capable of communicating with a REST HTTP interface.


The first system architecture of Krake was event-based using message queuing (RabbitMQ). The main issue with event-driven systems is that the they get out-of-sync if a message gets lost. Hence, a lot of effort is involved to make sure that no message loss occurs.

On the other hand, level-based logic operates given a desired state and the current observed state. The functionality is resilient against loss of intermediate state updates. Hence, a component can recover easily from crashes and outages, which makes the overall system more robust. This was the motivation for moving from an event-based system with message queuing to a level-based system with reconciliation.

Authentication and Authorization

Access to the API is provided through a two-phased process.

Each request to the Krake API is authenticated. Authentication verifies the identity of the user. There are multiple authentication providers and the API can be extended by further authentication mechanisms. If no identity is provided, the request is considered to be anonymous. For internal communication between controllers and API, TLS certificates SHOULD be used.

After the identity of a user is verified, it needs to be decided if the user has permission to access a resource.

Krake implements a simple but powerful role-based access control (RBAC) model. The core API provides Role resources describing access to specific operations on specific resources potentially in specific namespaces. A user is assigned to a role by another core resource called RoleBinding.

Roles in Krake are permissive only. There is no way to deny access to a resource through a role. At least one role a user is bound to needs to allow access to the requested resource and operation. Otherwise access is denied.