Kubernetes Cluster ControllerΒΆ

The Kubernetes Cluster Controller manages and monitors Kubernetes clusters registered in Krake or created by Krake. To do this for each Kubernetes cluster registered or created by Krake, an observer is created. This observer directly calls the Kubernetes API of the specific cluster and checks on its current state. The Kubernetes cluster controller then updates the internally stored state of the registered or created Kubernetes cluster according to the response from the Kubernetes cluster observer.

The Kubernetes Cluster Controller is launched separately.


Since this is a relatively new implementation, the Kubernetes Cluster Controller will certainly be extended by additional features and functionalities in the future.

For more information on what the Kubernetes Cluster Observer does and what features it offers, see Kubernetes Cluster Observer.

For more information about the actual Kubernetes cluster creation by Krake please see Infrastructure Controller or visit related user story Infrastructure providers.