Horizontal Cluster Scaling

Goal: Scale up and then down (horizontally) the actual Kubernetes cluster using Krake.

This is an advanced user scenario where the user should register an existing infrastructure provider backend (IM) as well as an existing IaaS cloud deployment (OpenStack) before the actual cluster creation and scaling it horizontally. Horizontal scaling is the act of adding (or removing) nodes of the same size to the cluster.


Keep in mind that Krake is able to actually create and then scale (update) the Kubernetes cluster by supported infrastructure providers. Please refer to the Infrastructure Controller and visit related user stories for more information about how the actual Kubernetes cluster could be managed by Krake.


Note that file paths mentioned in this tutorial are relative to the root of the Krake repository.


Please go through the Preparation as well as through the Register an existing infrastructure provider to Krake and register an infrastructure provider. Validate the infrastructure provider registration as follows:

rok infra provider list
|    name     |  namespace   | labels |       created       |      modified       | deleted | type |          url          |
| im-provider | system:admin | None   | 2000-01-01 08:00:00 | 2000-01-01 08:00:00 | None    | im   | http://localhost:8800 |

Please go through the Register an existing OpenStack based cloud to Krake and register an existing OpenStack cloud to Krake. Validate the cloud registration as follows:

rok infra cloud list
|   name   |  namespace   | labels |       created       |      modified       | deleted |   type    | metrics | infra_provider | state  |
| os-cloud | system:admin | None   | 2000-01-01 08:00:00 | 2000-01-01 08:00:00 | None    | openstack | []      | im-provider    | ONLINE |

Create the Cluster

Create the my-cluster cluster using the example TOSCA template stored in rak/functionals/im-cluster.yaml. This TOSCA template should create a Kubernetes cluster with one control plane node and one worker node.

rok kube cluster create -f rak/functionals/im-cluster.yaml my-cluster

The creation of the cluster can take up to 15 minutes to complete. The fully created and configured cluster should be in the ONLINE state. You should also see that 2 from 2 nodes total are healthy (nodes: 2/2). Validate them as follows:

rok kube cluster get my-cluster
| name                  | my-cluster                                                                                  |
| namespace             | system:admin                                                                                |
| labels                | None                                                                                        |
| created               | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| modified              | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| deleted               | None                                                                                        |
| state                 | ONLINE                                                                                      |
| reason                | None                                                                                        |
| custom_resources      | []                                                                                          |
| metrics               | []                                                                                          |
| failing_metrics       | None                                                                                        |
| label constraints     | []                                                                                          |
| metric constraints    | []                                                                                          |
| scheduled_to          | {'namespace': 'system:admin', 'kind': 'Cloud', 'name': 'os-cloud', 'api': 'infrastructure'} |
| scheduled             | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| running_on            | {'namespace': 'system:admin', 'kind': 'Cloud', 'name': 'os-cloud', 'api': 'infrastructure'} |
| nodes                 | 2/2                                                                                         |
| nodes_pid_pressure    | 0/2                                                                                         |
| nodes_memory_pressure | 0/2                                                                                         |
| nodes_disk_pressure   | 0/2                                                                                         |

Optionally, you can export the my-cluster kubeconfig file and validate the cluster health and nodes count directly by the kubectl CLI. You can do this as follows (with the help of jq command-line JSON processor):

rok kube cluster get my-cluster -o json | jq .spec.kubeconfig > kubeconfig.json

Access the my-cluster cluster:

kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.json get nodes
NAME                     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE     VERSION
kubeserver.localdomain   Ready    control-plane,master   10m     v1.22.9
vnode-1.localdomain      Ready    <none>                 9m46s   v1.22.9

Scale up the Cluster

Scale the created cluster up using the example TOSCA template stored in rak/functionals/im-cluster-scale-up.yaml. This TOSCA template should add one worker node. Its size (flavor) should be the same as the size of the previously created worker node.

Alternatively, you can adjust the worker node number on your own. In this case, find and adjust the wn_num variable count in the TOSCA template:

  type: integer
  description: Number of WNs in the cluster
  default: 2
  required: yes

Scale up the cluster:

rok kube cluster update -f rak/functionals/im-cluster-scale-up.yaml my-cluster

The scaling of the cluster can take up to 5 minutes to complete. The fully scaled and configured cluster should be in the ONLINE state. You should also see that one node has been successfully added i.e. 3 from 3 nodes total are healthy (nodes: 3/3). Validate them as follows:

rok kube cluster get my-cluster
| name                  | my-cluster                                                                                  |
| namespace             | system:admin                                                                                |
| labels                | None                                                                                        |
| created               | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| modified              | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| deleted               | None                                                                                        |
| state                 | ONLINE                                                                                      |
| reason                | None                                                                                        |
| custom_resources      | []                                                                                          |
| metrics               | []                                                                                          |
| failing_metrics       | None                                                                                        |
| label constraints     | []                                                                                          |
| metric constraints    | []                                                                                          |
| scheduled_to          | {'namespace': 'system:admin', 'kind': 'Cloud', 'name': 'os-cloud', 'api': 'infrastructure'} |
| scheduled             | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| running_on            | {'namespace': 'system:admin', 'kind': 'Cloud', 'name': 'os-cloud', 'api': 'infrastructure'} |
| nodes                 | 3/3                                                                                         |
| nodes_pid_pressure    | 0/3                                                                                         |
| nodes_memory_pressure | 0/3                                                                                         |
| nodes_disk_pressure   | 0/3                                                                                         |

Access the my-cluster cluster again and validate the cluster health and nodes count directly by the kubectl CLI:

kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.json get nodes
NAME                     STATUS     ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
kubeserver.localdomain   Ready      control-plane,master   34m    v1.22.9
vnode-1.localdomain      Ready      <none>                 32m    v1.22.9
vnode-2.localdomain      NotReady   <none>                 9m8s   v1.22.9

Scale down the Cluster

Scale the created cluster down using the example TOSCA template stored in rak/functionals/im-cluster-scale-down.yaml. This TOSCA template should remove one worker node.

Alternatively, you can adjust the worker node number on your own. In this case, find and adjust the wn_num and removal_list variables in the TOSCA template:

  type: integer
  description: Number of WNs in the cluster
  default: 1
  required: yes


  type: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute
        count: { get_input: wn_num }
        removal_list: ['2']

The removal_list variable should be defined and should contain the ID(s) of the VM(s) which should be removed from the cluster. You can find the VM IDs in the cluster.status.nodes section of the Krake cluster resource as follows (with the help of jq command-line JSON processor):

rok kube cluster get my-cluster -o json | jq .status.nodes[].metadata.name

Find the more detailed description about removal_list in the IM documentation.

Scale down the cluster:

rok kube cluster update -f rak/functionals/im-cluster-scale-down.yaml my-cluster

The scaling of the cluster can take up to 5 minutes to complete. The fully scaled and configured cluster should be in the ONLINE state. You should also see that one node has been successfully removed i.e. 2 from 2 nodes total are healthy (nodes: 2/2). Validate them as follows:

rok kube cluster get my-cluster
| name                  | my-cluster                                                                                  |
| namespace             | system:admin                                                                                |
| labels                | None                                                                                        |
| created               | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| modified              | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| deleted               | None                                                                                        |
| state                 | ONLINE                                                                                      |
| reason                | None                                                                                        |
| custom_resources      | []                                                                                          |
| metrics               | []                                                                                          |
| failing_metrics       | None                                                                                        |
| label constraints     | []                                                                                          |
| metric constraints    | []                                                                                          |
| scheduled_to          | {'namespace': 'system:admin', 'kind': 'Cloud', 'name': 'os-cloud', 'api': 'infrastructure'} |
| scheduled             | 2000-01-01 08:00:00                                                                         |
| running_on            | {'namespace': 'system:admin', 'kind': 'Cloud', 'name': 'os-cloud', 'api': 'infrastructure'} |
| nodes                 | 2/2                                                                                         |
| nodes_pid_pressure    | 0/2                                                                                         |
| nodes_memory_pressure | 0/2                                                                                         |
| nodes_disk_pressure   | 0/2                                                                                         |

Access the my-cluster cluster again and validate the cluster health and nodes count directly by the kubectl CLI:

kubectl --kubeconfig=kubeconfig.json get nodes
NAME                     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE   VERSION
kubeserver.localdomain   Ready    control-plane,master   40m   v1.22.9
vnode-1.localdomain      Ready    <none>                 38m   v1.22.9


Delete the Cluster, Cloud and the InfrastructureProvider.

rok kube cluster delete my-cluster
rok infra cloud delete os-cloud
rok infra provider delete im-provider