OpenStack backends


Due to stability and development issues on the side of Magnum, this feature isn’t actively developed anymore.

Goal: Demonstrate the use of an OpenStack project as a backend for Krake


Krake supports different kind of backends. In the previous example, we used a Kubernetes cluster (deployed in a single VM via Minikube). In this scenario, we register an existing OpenStack project.

Register an existing OpenStack project to Krake

  • Gather information about your OpenStack project, for example:
openstack coe cluster template list # Get Template ID
openstack project show my_openstack_project # Get Project ID
openstack user show my_user # Get User ID
grep OS_AUTH_URL ~/openrc # Get Keystone auth URL
  • Create a OpenStack Project resource in Krake:
rok os project create --template 728f024e-8a88-4971-b79f-151da123f363 --project-id 5bc3bab620bd48b0b9b425ee492050ea --password "password" --user-id 737bbcd2ce264d2fa32fa306ac84e97d --auth-url myproject

Create a MagnumCluster

rok os cluster list  # No Cluster resource is present
rok os cluster create mycluster
rok os cluster list  # One Cluster resource with name "mycluster"


The creation of the Magnum cluster can take up to 10 minutes to complete.

  • Observe that one Kubernetes Cluster is created in association to the MagnumCluster.
rok kube cluster list

Spawn the demo application

  • Create the demo Kubernetes Application and observe the resource status.
rok kube app create -f git/krake/rak/functionals/echo-demo.yaml echo-demo
rok kube app get echo-demo  # See "running_on"


  • Delete the echo-demo Kubernetes Application and the OpenStack Project
rok kube app delete echo-demo
rok kube os cluster delete mycluster
rok kube project delete myproject