Set up Krake with Ansible

This sections describes prerequisites and deployment of a Krake infrastructure with Ansible.


It is suggested that Ansible is installed inside the virtualenv of Krake.

pip install "ansible>=2.9" docker openstackclient

Check the version and Python executable of the Ansible installation:

ansible --version
ansible 2.9.2
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/path/to/home/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /path/to/virtualenv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /path/to/virtualenv/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.6.8 (default, Oct  7 2019, 12:59:55) [GCC 8.3.0]

Krake infrastructure deployment

The Krake infrastructure is provisioned by a set of Ansible playbooks. The infrastructure is split into multiple separate OpenStack Heat stacks. Every Heat stack is provisioned by its own Ansible playbook. The complete infrastructure can be created by the top-level site.yml playbook.

Krake YAML inventory file hosts.yml needs to be created. Use the example file and adjust it. The only parameter that needs to be modified is the keypair variable. It should name an existing OpenStack keypair. If the corresponding key file is not ~/.ssh/id_rsa specify it in the key_file parameter.

It is assumed that environmental variables for authentication against OpenStack project exist. They can be set by sourcing the OpenStack RC file.

cd ansible/
cp hosts.yml.example hosts.yml
# Get list of all existing OpenStack keypairs
openstack keypair list

The complete infrastructure can be created by the top-level site.yml playbook.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml site.yml

Each infrastructure component can by created separately by corresponding ansible playbook e.g. the Krake application infrastructure can be created by Krake playbook.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml krake.yml

Table of available playbooks:

Krake Infrastructure component Playbook name
Top-level playbook site.yml
Krake application krake.yml
Central IdP instance central_idp.yml
Devstack instance devstack.yml
Gateway SSH jump host gateway.yml
Network “virtual” host network.yml
Prometheus server instance prometheus.yml
Minikube cluster minikube_cluster.yml
Magnum cluster magnum_cluster.yml

Krake Ansible directory structure

Ansible related-files are stored in the ansible/ directory of the repository. Each sub-directory groups files based on Ansible best practices recommendations.

Sub-directory / File Description
ansible.cfg Local Ansible configuration
hosts.yml Krake YAML inventory file
plugins/ Custom Ansible plugins
files/ Heat stack templates and files
plugins/ Custom Ansible plugins
group_vars/ Ansible group variables used as default values
roles/ Files for reusable Ansible roles
utils/ Krake Ansible helper scripts

Access through the gateway

To compartmentalize the infrastructure, all machines deployed by Krake are present on the same OpenStack private network. Only the gateway is associated with a floating IP and can thus be accessed externally. All other machines can be reached through the gateway.

To simplify this process, the wireguard VPN is installed on the gateway when deployed. After the deployment, for each wireguard peer set for the gateway in the host file (see Inventory structure), a wireguard configuration file is created in the etc directory where the inventory files are created (ansible/.etc by default). The files names have the following syntax: wg_<peer_name>.conf.

To use this file you have to:

  1. install wireguard locally. If you are using Ubuntu, you can use the following command:

    $ sudo apt install wireguard
  2. generate a wireguard key:

    $ umask 077
    $ wg genkey > privatekey
    $ wg pubkey < privatekey > publickey

    2.1 open the wg_<peer_name>.conf and change the REPLACEME placeholder with the private key that corresponds to the peer.

    2.2 Use SSH to connect to the krake-gateway-server. Check the gateway server and if necessary adjust to accommodate the correct wireguard keys. Replace the REPLACEME placeholder with the public key. You can find the public key in the directory under /etc/wireguard :

     Address =
    Endpoint =
    AllowedIPs =,
  1. bring the wireguard interface up by using:

    $ wg-quick up <path_to_file>/wg_<peer_name>.conf
    # Example:
    $ wg-quick up ansible/.etc/wg_my-peer.conf
  2. you can now SSH into the other machines on the private network:

    $ ssh ubuntu@<krake_VM_private_ip>

The wireguard interface can be brought down by using:

$ wg-quick down <path_to_file>/wg_<peer_name>.conf

# Example:
$ wg-quick down ansible/.etc/wg_my-peer.conf


If several Krake deployments are managed from a single machine, the peer names should have a different value, to avoid conflicts with the wireguard network interfaces.

If several network interfaces are up at the same time, then the Krake private networks should not overlap. So if one has for instance the CIDR, another deployment should use something independent, such as