
After Krake has been installed and runs, the database is still empty. To allow easy insertion of resources during initialisation, a bootstrap script is present, namely: krake_bootstrap_db. It is used along with YAML files in which the resources are defined.

Requirements for bootstrapping:

  • Krake should be installed;
  • the database should be started.



The script is given several files, each with one or several resource definitions. These definitions should follow the structure of the data defined in See Structure.

If the insertion of at least one resource fails, all previous insertions are rolled back. This ensures that the database remains in a clean state in all cases.

The insertion will be rolled back in the following cases:

  • the structure of a resource was invalid and its deserialization failed;
  • a resource belongs to an API or a kind not supported by the bootstrapping script;
  • a resource is already present in the database. This can be overridden using the --force flag (see the force argument). In this case, a resource already present will be replaced in the database with the currently read definition. In case of rollback, the previous version of the resource will be put back in the database.

Command line

The simplest command is to give one or several files as input, for example:

$ krake_bootstrap_db file_1.yaml file_2.yaml

Other arguments can be used:

--db-host (address):
If the database is not present locally, the host or address can be specified explicitly. Default: localhost.
--db-port (integer):
If the database is not present locally, the port can be specified explicitly. Default: 2379.

If set, when the script attempts to insert a resource that is already in the database, the resource will be replaced with its new definition. If not, an error occurs, and a rollback is performed.

The content of the file can alternatively be passed by stdin, using the - option:

cat file_1.yaml | krake_bootstrap_db -

This can become very useful when starting the command with a container running Krake. If the file is not present in the container, and you do not want to use a volume, you can still execute the following:

docker exec -i <krake_container> krake_bootstrap_db - < file_1.yaml


Only resources defined in that are augmented with the decorator should be inserted with the krake_bootstrap_db script.

Each file must have a YAML format, with each resource separated with the --- separator. The API name, the resource kind and its name must be specified (in the metadata for the name).

Thus the minimal resource to add must have the following structure:

api: foo
kind: Bar
  name: foo_bar

This will add a Bar object with the name foo_bar, with Bar defined in the API with name foo.

An actual resource would have more values to fill, see the following example with a Krake Role and RoleBinding definitions:

api: core
kind: Role
  name: my-role
- api: 'my-api'
  - 'my-namespace'
  - 'my-resource'
  - list
  - get

api: core
kind: RoleBinding
  name: my-rolebinding
- my-role
  - me


The structure of a resource added in the database is checked against the definition of this resource kind. This means that the attributes’ name and kind are checked. However, the bootstrapping script does not ensure that the relationships between the resources are valid.

For instance, the RoleBinding my-rolebinding refers to the Role my-role. If this role is not in the database, or its name has been misspelled, the bootstrapping script will not detect it, and the database will be inconsistent.

Existing definitions

Some files are already present in the Krake repository with the definitions of different resources.


To use the RBAC authorization mode, roles need to be defined, using Role objects. They need to be present in the database, and can either be added manually, using the API, or with the bootstrapping:

$ krake_bootstrap_db bootstrapping/base_roles.yaml

Development and tests

To test the migration, support/prometheus or support/prometheus-mock script can be used, or simply static metrics. However, in this case, GlobalMetric and GlobalMetricsProvider objects need to be created. Two bootstrap definition files are present in support/ for adding Prometheus and static metrics and metrics provider, respectively prometheus_metrics.yaml and static_metrics.yaml.

They can be easily processed using:

$ krake_bootstrap_db support/prometheus_metrics.yaml support/static_metrics.yaml